Thursday, February 22, 2018

Steve Stark and Taika Oyata Video-From The Learning Channel Documentary

Short video clip of one of my instructors, Hanshi Steve Stark and our teacher Taika Seiyu Oyata.
Also included are Tasshi Jim Logue and Kyoshi Gerry Senese, two well known and respected senior students of Taika Oyata. This was filmed in Gerry's dojo.
This clip is taken from a documentary about martial arts on The Learning Channel.
This particular video keeps making it's rounds over the Internet and throughout Facebook.
I am reposting it because it shows two of my favorite people- our teacher Mr. Oyata and in my opinion the most talented martial artist to come out of his system, Steve Stark.
Watching this video always brings back a lot of memories of my teacher-some involve pain!
Mr. Oyata was an amazing martial artist and taught a lot of things to
many different people. His martial arts belong to all the people who trained with him for many years, not just any one person or group. Steve Stark is an extremely talented martial artist and is still teaching, still training.Our research group, Goshin Jitsu, has been fortunate to have him teaching us, training with us the last two years.

I named my research group Goshin Jitsu in honor of my teacher Mr. Oyata.
His interpretation of Goshin Jitsu was martial arts technique/understanding performed at the very highest level. This is the ideal, the brass ring we should all be reaching for in our martial arts and applications.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Thank You Science! Using Nanotechnology to test for Oak Wilt

Exciting news from the Tree World I inhabit. New technology developed by the University of Minnesota College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS) offers a simple
and affordable diagnostic test  for Oak Wilt utilizing nanotechnology and gold.

Pictured below is a microfluidic device used to isolate the Oak Wilt fungus from wood chip samples.
Picture credit-University of Minnesota

Oak Wilt is a devastating vascular fungus that quickly kills Oak trees. Arborists in the Kansas
City Metro area deal with Oak Wilt every year. The disease is not particularly widespread in our area,
but it can move quickly through root grafting in wooded areas with multiple Oak trees.
This can be a painful and expensive experience for homeowners with wooded lots.

Past testing for Oak Wilt has been a slow process, sometimes waiting for weeks to receive a positive diagnosis-it is often difficult to get a positive diagnosis from wood samples, creating a slow and frustrating process for everyone involved.

This latest scientific breakthrough enables Oak wilt detection within 30 minutes of sampling at a fraction of the cost (less than $5). This new technology uses gold nanoparticles to generate a chemiluminescent signal in the presence of Oak Wilt-this chemical signal must be read by a specialized hand held reader.

The team working on this project are refining a portable system for use in the field,
eliminating the need to send samples to the lab for confirmation. The field project requires only dipping wood chips from infected trees into a solution to extract DNA, then mixing with a second solution of gold nanoparticles to allow detection using a hand held luminometer.

The innovation by Abbas' research lab enables oak wilt detection within 30 minutes of sampling and at a fraction of the cost: less than five dollars per sample. The technology uses the agglomeration of gold nanoparticles to generate a chemiluminescent signal that can be read by a hand-held reader, in the presence of the oak wilt fungus DNA. The team is now refining a portable system that allows early detection of the disease in the field without sending samples to the laboratory. The requires only dipping wood chips obtained from infected trees into a first solution to extract the DNA, then mixed with a second solution of to allow detection using a hand-held luminometer.

Read more at:
The innovation by Abbas' research lab enables oak wilt detection within 30 minutes of sampling and at a fraction of the cost: less than five dollars per sample. The technology uses the agglomeration of gold nanoparticles to generate a chemiluminescent signal that can be read by a hand-held reader, in the presence of the oak wilt fungus DNA. The team is now refining a portable system that allows early detection of the disease in the field without sending samples to the laboratory. The requires only dipping wood chips obtained from infected trees into a first solution to extract the DNA, then mixed with a second solution of to allow detection using a hand-held luminometer.

Read more at:
Thank you science! This is going to speed up the process of  testing for Oak Wilt, help Arborists
and homeowners and should ultimately save thousands of Oak trees that would be lost to the rapid spread of Oak Wilt.