Monday, September 19, 2016

Shin Shu Kan Karate & Kobudo-Seminar with Hanshi Steve Stark

 Shin Shu Kan-Ryukyu Kempo Karate & Kobudo:
Presents an Open Invitation Seminar with Hanshi Steve Stark

Saturday, October 1st, from 11:00a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
 $50.00 per person
The Shin Shu Kan Dojo is located at 12003 South Strang Line Road
Olathe, Kansas 66062
*Northwest of the AMC Multi-Plex Theaters
Don't miss this rare opportunity to train one-on-one with a senior student of Taika Seiyu Oyata!
About Hanshi Stark:
Hanshi Stark began training in Ryukyu Kempo karate in 1970.
He was a personal  student of Taika Oyata from 1977 to 2010.
Senior student of Taika Oyata.

Hanshi Stark is the author of : Quest-The Ancient Way, a story of his life experiences with Taika Oyata