Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Tempus Fugit (Time Flies)

Greetings! I  just passed the 22,000 mark in hits on this blog. For some reason, it feels like a big deal to me. Probably because I never imagined I would have that many people interested in this blog. What amazes me still is the views are from all over the world, yet are split almost evenly between the martial arts posts and the tree care.
I will eventually get to the point of this short article. First and foremost, I am  slowly getting closer to completing the second book I have been working on. This book is purely my take on Ryukyu Kempo Karate, as learned from my teacher Taika Seiyu Oyata.

My first book was printed privately, by a friend. I had a limited number of copies printed for family and friends at my expense. I never intended to try and make money off of my teacher or his name/martial arts. It was mostly done for fun, a labor of love meant to help me remember my teacher Mr. Oyata and a way for others to see not only his genius and wisdom, but also his irreverence and sense of humor. I wrote it for me as much as I wrote it for him.

This second book is more of a way for me to share information about this system of karate from my point of view.There are many people training in RyuKyu Kempo that never got to know my teacher, Taika Seiyu Oyata. I would like to share some information about him,  his karate and a short guide to basic and intermediate ideas.

 I haven't decided yet if I am even going to publish it-I may just print a few dozen copies for people I have trained with-people I like,  people I actually respect -you know, martial artists that actually train in martial arts and family/close personal friends.
Money doesn't mean anything to me when it comes to my book- I don't believe everyone is entitled to it just because they plunk their money down. I also feel the same way about my teacher's martial arts.

I have been labeled an elitist and a malcontent for my views in the past. I find this amusing beyond belief-Not the malcontent part,that is certainly true. I wear it proudly.The elitist label is a source of never ending hilarity to me. It's..just..too...funny. For what it's worth, I quit worrying about offending people or what other people think about me roughly 50 years ago!

Here is a simple truth-Not everybody truly deserves my teachers martial arts. Let me share a few of my thoughts on this with you and why I don't teach commercially anymore:
Should I teach martial arts to the lazy/uncommitted? People who feel entitled to learn everything just because they are paying me for it? Not through any actual effort on their part."Oh-you paid me, but only showed up for 3 classes in a month, I will reward all of your hard work and dedication and teach you secret neck strike #7"πŸ˜€

Should I teach martial arts exclusively to the self entitled? Rich assholes with poor character-indulge them simply for their cash? "I despise you as a human being, you are a self indulgent wiener, but your check cleared-this is secret tuite #12"πŸ˜€

How about the thugs/ bullies?-people who would use martial arts to intimidate or hurt others, should I create a small army of thugs with martial arts skills because they gave me money? No-I believe there are people who most definitely are not entitled to learn my teachers martial arts.

I believe I have every right to decide who I will train and who I will share my knowledge with. The malcontent label I have most definitely earned, but I also have my reasons. Most of my problem with organized martial arts has been politics-factions, groups, organizations......etc. This group is this, this group is that, this guy hates that guy, this group hates that group.(Yawn.....) Like a never ending bad soap opera-As the Stomach Turns. It all seems very juvenile to me, like high school or junior high cliques.It was tiresome years ago, it is intolerable now. I am done with it all. Done with groups, factions, martial artists slandering each other.I cannot imagine a worse waste of time or brain cells.

Here's a Thought- Maybe that's what Hell is for martial artists-spending eternity listening to other martial artists squabble, all bitching about each otherπŸ˜€πŸ˜€.

Does anybody just train because they love to? Train for their love of the art? Just focus on martial arts alone? I know I do.Screw the belts, rank, titles, groups.It doesn't have to be that way. I simply like training outdoors, in a park or the woods-with not a solitary human being around. Just me and my martial arts. I am able to focus intensely on whatever I am working on with no distractions.Some would call it Paradise. Our time on this Earth is precious and fleeting-choose wisely.

My teachers gift to the world-his martial arts and wisdom, are treasures beyond monetary value. These are the things I will focus the remainder of my life on-the things my teacher taught me, trying to be the best martial artist I can be. I am passing my martial arts on to my son and a few other worthy
individuals who have been training with me for many years-they have earned it.
