Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Veritas est libertas-Truth is Freedom

This blog has always dealt with the truth. I started this blog as a way to share information and the truth
about tree care. It  has slowly evolved/devolved into my personal blog about trees, martial arts and general musings on both.

I say exactly what I think-My truths may not be your truths-take it or leave it-it's just my opinion, like everybody else. If it has value to some-great, if you don't like it-that's ok too. Feel free to go somewhere else.😀

Dealing with the truth has never been popular. Pointing out the hard truth to people will make you even more unpopular. Everyone has their own truths-stand up and own what you believe to be true.

We live in a world where people talk tough behind their computers,make rude comments to complete strangers online, insult or threaten people with no thought of consequences.A simple truth- I can guarantee you people would not talk this way if you were standing directly in front of them, looking them in the eyes.
There is, at times, a great deal of negativity associated with modern martial arts-it's unfortunate.
Martial arts is and should always be viewed as a self empowering, positive energy event.

My teacher, Mr. Oyata ,repeatedly stressed to us  how ridiculous it was to argue with anyone
about martial arts-whether online or in person. "No can change mind, doesn't matter-no stupid talk"
He thought it was beneath us, an exercise in futility-I couldn't agree more, especially about stupid talk.

What I have come to understand over the years is most people don't really want to hear the
truth about anything-they want you to tell them what they want to hear. Life is not a popularity contest,I prefer to deal in the truth as I see it.

As I get older, it gets  much easier for me to see and speak the truth as I see it.
The best part about being me right now you ask?   I don't have an agenda-there is a feeling of
 deep contentment that comes with having clean hands.
I sleep well at night! A clean conscience is a wonderful thing-see, I told you the truth can set you free!
Right now I have a few people I am training with and we are perfectly content.Some people want a school, a following-some people are perfectly content with neither of those things. Martial arts/training does not have to be a commercial enterprise. In the old days, some masters felt it wasn't right to
"eat "off of karate-they held it in higher esteem, it wasn't for sale. It had to be earned and it was passed down for family and close personal relations.
I tend to agree with this outlook-you can take offense if you want to-God knows people get upset these days when the weather changes or the wind blows. It's not directed at anybody , it's my honest feeling about my martial arts-not yours. Do whatever you can live with-it's on you.

It's getting much harder these days to find people willing to work hard for real martial arts.
I get the feeling that people want things to be easy-Mr. Oyata used to tell us-"I no easy teach"
He wasn't joking either! There was never anything easy about training with him and I would
not have traded a minute of it.
For me it's always been about passing on my teacher's art to the right people.Decent, honest people with
strong character.Nothing good or worthwhile is ever easy.

I have been fortunate to have some good teachers and to train with some very talented martial artists.
  I always had a deep, abiding respect for the really skilled martial artists that were also  humble.
The truth?-These type of people are also getting much harder to find these days.

A word of caution-Be careful about blindly following people.
The sad truth is not everyone is worthy of your trust and devotion.
I have discovered this painful truth for myself on a few occasions.
An eternal optimist, I still like to believe that most people teaching are sincerely trying to pass on a martial arts system-with good intentions, training people to the best of their abilities.

Just remember-in martial arts as well as life-people and teachers have their own agenda.
At times, you should ask yourself- What is this person's underlying motivations?
Are they adhering to a code, a specific creed? Are they sincere, honest and humble?
Or are they driven by Money/Greed?  Ego? This is nothing new, we should not be surprised, but it
is disappointing to witness firsthand-money should not be the motivating factor in life or martial arts.
Another truth-There will always be people that need followers to massage their ego.

Mr. Oyata used to talk to us/caution us about about getting a big head-letting your ego get in the way of
your learning and training.He was a wise man-his teachings and wisdom were and still are priceless to me, they continue to sustain me.

Always look for the truth in everything -it might just set you free.